This is my entry in the 'Beasties' themed print swap and exhibition run by Rona Green.The title is"Hey, That Thing Bit Me!"You can Rona's work at
www.ronagreen.com, she is an excellant artist.The swap works like this: twenty three artists do twenty three prints and everyone gets a copy.The theme was 'Beasties', and there are some amazing prints in the series from renowned artists from all over Australia.There is going to be an exhibition of the prints at Port Jackson Press, from the the second of september.I will post an invitation once I get one.
My print is a linocut on yellow plastic.My artist statement for the exhibition goes:
"Due to mankind's almost total controll over the natural world, in most places we only have to worry about attacks from small animals. I feel the alarm would be exaggerated if the attack was from something we couldn't identify, compounding the 'get on a chair and squeal' effect. My image is printed in the colours of a warning sign, yellow and black."
It seemed like a good idea at the time.