Original Political cartoons of the Australian Landscape. As seen in Crikey, Melbourne Observer, On Line Opinion, Dissent, Arena and Independent Australia.
Some cartoons, firstly for the AEU on Christmas Parties, secondly for the Melbourne Observer/Opinion Online on the final death of Work Choices.The last two were for Bicycling Australia, firstly about dangerous cyling obstacles , secondly about a new bike lane in Sydney that only goes for two blocks.
Some new cartoons for Dissent, for an article about the cost of sport in Australia.Apparently every medal we won in the Olympics cost about 100 million dollars.
Malcolm Turnbull's comments about the idea that the Government is exaggerating the seriousness of the global credit crisis demonstrates how he is differentiating himself from reality.
Three cartoons, the first two for the AEU News(for the Teacher's Union).The AEU are opposed to the Government's new education policies, they think they're bad policies and suspiciously similar to ones the Howard Government proposed a few years back.The second one was about teacher training workshops.The last cartoon is fairly self explanitory and was for the Melbourne Observer and Online Opinion.
A cartoon for the Melbourne Oberserver and republished on Online Opinion, about the current finacial disaster in the US, and a cartoon for the Epoch Times about the detention of child refugees overseas.
Here's a cartoon for the Epoch Times, for an article arguing for the abolishment of the State Governments in Australia, saying the Federal System is a historical relic and we should just have one country wide government for all our governing needs.
Here's one about Peter Costello.I suspect the big media build up about his taking over the leadership of the Liberals isn't going to result in much if you believe John Hewson.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
These cartoons were done for the Australian Rationalist, the Epoch Times, the Melbourne Observer, Dissent and the AEU News.Most are pretty self explanatory although they accompanied articles. The one set in heaven, and the one following went with an article about tax breaks for religions(Dissent, coming out soon).I seemed to have cornered the 'hanging it on Religion' market, I don't know how that happened.People just keep asking me to do it.The color one was for the AEU news and is about photocopiers.
The first 3 cartoons were for the Melbourne Observer.The one in Heaven was for Australian Rationalist, for an article lampooning various Christian Sects.There's one done for the Epoch Times about the global food crisis .